Nature UE
Cr¨¦dits ECTS 3
Volume horaire total 30
Volume horaire CM 18
Volume horaire TD 12
Volume horaire TP 0


Connaissances de base en biologie mol¨¦culaire, g¨¦n¨¦tique Basic knowledge of molecular biology and genetics


Connaissance des principaux m¨¦canismes de r¨¦gulation de l¡¯expression des g¨¨nes : m¨¦canismes de r¨¦gulation transcriptionnel, post-transcriptionnel, traductionnel et post-traductionnel. Knowledge of the main mechanisms of regulation of gene expression: transcriptional, post-transcriptional, translational and post-translational regulation mechanisms.


-Control at the transcriptional level: eukaryotic transcription, transcription factors, chromatin and gene expression, euchromatic border regions, methylation and gene expression.
-Post-transcriptional control at the message level: message stability, regulation by alternative splicing, editing
-Translational control: external and internal initiation mechanism, regulation strategies
-Post-translational control: Control of protein conformation. Control by protein modification. Protein localisation control. Control of protein degradation

- Analysis of scientific articles related to the course, with presentation by students

Informations compl¨¦mentaires

Connaissance des principaux m¨¦canismes de r¨¦gulation de l¡¯expression des g¨¨nes : m¨¦canismes de r¨¦gulation transcriptionnel, post-transcriptionnel, traductionnel et post-traductionnel. Knowledge of the main mechanisms of regulation of gene expression: transcriptional, post-transcriptional, translational and post-translational regulation mechanisms.