Centre de Recherche en Odontologie Clinique

UR 4847 / UCA
- Adresse :
- Facult¨¦ de Chirurgie Dentaire
2, Rue de Braga
63100 CLERMONT-PT招财进宝
- T¨¦l :
- +33 4 73 17 73 81
- Sur Internet :
- webodonto.u-clermont1.fr/ea-4847.html
- Directeur de laboratoire
- Emmanuel NICOLAS
- Secr¨¦tariat
- Caroline ESCHEVINS caroline.eschevins@uca.fr
Composition ¨¦quipe ( effectif total : 39 )
- CATTEAU Celine -
- BESSADET Marion -
- BONNET Jean -
- CAMOIN Ariane -
- COUSSON Pierre Yves -
- DECERLE Nicolas -
- DOMEJEAN Sophie -
- HENNEQUIN Martine -
- LANCE Cindy -
- LINAS Natacha -
- MACHAT Estelle -
- MUNOZ SANCHEZ Marie Laure -
- NICOLAS Emmanuel -
- ROGER LEROI Valerie -
- TUBERT Stephanie -
- VEYRUNE Jean Luc -
- LASSAUZAY Claire -
- COLLADO Valerie -
- ESPADA Mathilde -
- FAULKS Denise -
- FRANCOIS Olivier -
- ESCHEVINS Caroline -
- DOL Gaelle -
- DOUILLARD Thomas -
- DRANCOURT Noemie -
- BOGNER Marie Sophie -
- COUDERT Anne -
- DERCHU Melanie -
- DOL Gaelle -
- DOUILLARD Thomas -
- DUROUX Julien -
- EL OSTA Nada -
- GARNIER Nelly -
- LE TEXIER Louise -
- MARTIN Leopold -
- QUENEAU Victoire -
Th¨¨mes de Recherche
Version Fran?aise English versionL¡¯¨¦quipe est compos¨¦e d¡¯odontologistes, enseignants-chercheurs et praticiens hospitaliers qui argumentent scientifiquement les probl¨¦matiques cliniques sp¨¦cifiques ¨¤ l¡¯odontologie, se fondant sur une approche individuelle et/ou collective. C¡¯est une recherche appliqu¨¦e, directement utile aux patients, qui a un impact sur les pratiques professionnelles en odontologie mais qui influencent aussi les autres domaines de sant¨¦ li¨¦s ¨¤ la sant¨¦ orale. Les recherches de l¡¯¨¦quipe se concentrent autour de 2 th¨¦matiques principales qui ciblent respectivement l¡¯¨¦tude des liens entre sant¨¦ orale et mastication et l¡¯¨¦tude des param¨¨tres psychosociaux de la sant¨¦ orale. La premi¨¨re th¨¦matique vise principalement ¨¤ d¨¦terminer l¡¯impact de la physiologie de la mastication sur le comportement alimentaire de la population. La seconde s¡¯oriente vers des ¨¦tudes cliniques pour valider les pratiques de soins et aussi des ¨¦tudes ¨¦pid¨¦miologiques pour comprendre les facteurs bio-psycho-sociaux de la sant¨¦ orale.
The research team is composed of dentists, researchers-teachers and hospital practitioners, who scientifically argue clinical specific themes for research in odontology, based on individual and/or collective approaches. It is an applied research, useful immediatly for the patients, who has a direct impact on the professional practices in odontology, while influencing as well other health domains related to oral health. Studies led by the team focus on 2 main themes that respectively aim at studying the relation between oral health and mastication and understanding the bio-psycho-social factors of oral health. The first theme aims at determining the impact of mastication physiology on the eating habits of the general population. The second theme focusses on clinical studies to validate the current practices in dental care and on epidemiological studies to understand the bio-psycho-social factors influencing oral health.
Publications ( HAL )
- Les vernis fluor¨¦s en 6 points
S. Dom¨¦jean , Mazevet Marco , Mich¨¨le Muller-Bolla - Odontologie militaire. Importance de la mise en condition d¡¯aptitude dentaire
S. Dom¨¦jean , S¨¦bastien Pagie , Eric Rabatel , Sophie Nivost , Adrien Zagari , Bertrand Fenistein - Efficacy of 8% arginine on dentin hypersensitivity: A multicenter clinical trial in 273 patients over 24 weeks
Constanze Hirsiger , Patrick Roger Schmidlin , Mary Michaelis , Christian Hirsch , Thomas Attin , Christian Heumann , Sophie Dom¨¦jean , Christian Ralf Gernhardt - EFCD Curriculum for undergraduate students in Integrated Conservative Oral Healthcare (ConsCare)
H. Meyer-Lueckel , N. J.M. Opdam , L. Breschi , W. Buchalla , L. Ceballos , S. Dom¨¦jean , M. Federlin , John Field , S. Gurgan , M. Hayashi , T. Laegreid , B. A.C. Loomans , A. Lussi , C. D. Lynch , U. Pallesen , M. Peumans , Z. Toth , N. H.F. Wilson - Four clinical cases supporting a therapeutic rationale for fibromyalgia.
Alain Woda , Pierre Bourdiol , C¨¦line Bod¨¦r¨¦ , Pascale Picard - Reproducibility and relative validity of a food frequency questionnaire to assess dietary intake of adults living in a Mediterranean country
Carla Aoun , Reine Bou Daher , Nada El Osta , Tatiana Papazian , Lydia Rabbaa Khabbaz - Comparison of five international indices of adherence to the Mediterranean diet among healthy adults: similarities and differences
Carla Aoun , Tatiana Papazian , Khalil Helou , Nada El Osta , Lydia Rabbaa Khabbaz - Assessment of nutritional status of older patients attending a tertiary hospital in Middle Eastern country
Nada El Osta , Haissam El Arab , Robert Saad , Lydia Rabbaa Khabbaz , Jihad Fakhouri , Tatiana Papazian , Lana El Osta - Prevalence of Hypodontia and Supernumerary Teeth in Patients Attending Private Pediatric Dental Clinic in Lebanon
Maha H Daou , Pascale Harb Bteiche , Jihad Fakhouri , Nada El Osta - Post-endodontic Flare-ups after a Single-visit Treatment Using the FUI Scoring Method and Associated Factors: A Clinical Prospective Study.
Alfred Naaman , Christia Aoun , Nada El Osta , Issam Khalil
Production scientifique depuis 2021
Reconnaissance de l'excellence
- ANR 2014 - AlimaSSens