Adresse :
P?le Tertiaire
TSA 90404
26, Avenue L¨¦on Blum
63000 CLERMONT-PT招财进宝
T¨¦l :
+33 4 73 17 74 08
Sur Internet :


Directeur de laboratoire
Directeur Adjoint
Michael GOUJON
Gestionnaire d'unit¨¦

Composition ¨¦quipe ( effectif total : 98 )

  • ARAUJO Claudio -
  • AT Christian -
  • BATISSE Cecile -
  • BERTOLI Simone -
  • BRESSON Florent -
  • BRUN Jean Francois -
  • CALDEIRA Emilie -
  • CALIPEL Stephane -
  • CUBIZOL Damien -
  • DEQUIEDT Vianney -
  • DIEMER Arnaud -
  • DURY Marie Eliette -
  • GOI Isabelle -
  • GOUJON Michael -
  • GUERINEAU Samuel -
  • LAPORTE Bertrand -
  • LOPER Jordan -
  • MARCHAND Sebastien -
  • MARCHETTA Francesca -
  • RENARD Mary Francoise -
  • ROTA GRAZIOSI Gregoire -
  • TICHIT Ariane -
  • ARAUJO BONJEAN Catherine -
  • AREZKI Rabah -
  • AUDIBERT Martine -
  • GAZEAUD Jules -
  • PHELINAS Pascale -
  • PLANE Patrick -
  • VAROUDAKIS Marie Ange -
  • BRIGE Chantal -
  • DURAND Tipawan -
  • GUIOT Johan -
  • SANTONI Olivier -
  • SOURGOU Henri -
  • CHAPEL Capucine -
  • KUBO Masahiro -
  • NEIS Peter -
  • AFFROUMOU Tiemele Aristide -
  • AKOETEY Kossivi -
  • AYA Idrissa Aladji -
  • BANAO Fawzi Djarazemi Yves -
  • BEAUCORAL Pierre -
  • BESSALEM Chafia -
  • BOMPAS Julie -
  • CAMARA Cheick Amadou -
  • CLERC Melchior -
  • DA PIEDADE Sano -
  • DABOU Yrabo -
  • EBEDE OBAMA Laurent Fabrice -
  • GOSSELIN--PALI Adrien -
  • GUIGMA Nourat Al Hayat -
  • KAMBOU Sansan -
  • KARBOUT Rania -
  • LAO Chanrithy -
  • LE Ngoc Ha -
  • LOMPO Aguima Aime Bernard -
  • MALALANIRINA Jeannie Sylvia -
  • MBAIGUEDEM Mbairo -
  • NDAYIKEZA Michel Armel -
  • NIKIEMA Pengd-Wende Richard -
  • NOSSEK Vincent -
  • NZUE ENEME Perin -
  • OBOSSOU Kwami -
  • OUATTARA Maworobi Francois -
  • OUEDRAOGO Wendkuni -
  • OUEDRAOGO Ismael -
  • OUEDRAOGO Adama -
  • PAFADNAM Neerbewende Rachid -
  • RAHI Gracia -
  • ROBINSON Grace -
  • SANOU Kalo Achille -
  • SOGLO Koku Eli -
  • SOURGOU Henri Joel -
  • TAPSOBA Abdoul Fattath Yaya -
  • TIARE Lucie -
  • TINTA Jule Kaini -
  • TRAORE Bakary -
  • TRAORE Alima -
  • VERNUS Paul -
  • WENDLING Eliot -
  • YEO Nibontenin -
  • ZEISS Jan Pedro -
  • ZOROME Arouna -
  • BISCAYE Pierre -
  • CHAMBAS Gerard -
  • KERE Axelle -
  • KOLESAR Robert -
  • PHELUT Sebastien -
  • THOMAZEAU Francois -

Th¨¨mes de Recherche

Le CERDI est un centre de recherches d¨¦di¨¦ ¨¤ l¡¯¨¦tude des processus de d¨¦veloppement international. Il rassemble des ¨¦conomistes,  chercheurs du CNRS ou enseignants-chercheurs de l¡¯Universit¨¦ d¡¯Auvergne, dont les domaines de comp¨¦tences sont vari¨¦s et couvrent aussi bien les aspects micro¨¦conomiques que macro¨¦conomiques du d¨¦veloppement. Les pays ¨¤ revenu faible ou interm¨¦diaire constituent le champ d¡¯application des travaux men¨¦s au CERDI.

Des formations (Magist¨¨re, Masters, Doctorat) sp¨¦cialis¨¦es en d¨¦veloppement international sont adoss¨¦es au CERDI et b¨¦n¨¦ficient d¡¯un lien ¨¦troit entre l¡¯enseignement et la recherche.

Le CERDI travaille de mani¨¨re r¨¦guli¨¨re avec les institutions nationales (Agence Fran?aise de D¨¦veloppement, Minist¨¨res), r¨¦gionales (banques de d¨¦veloppement, institutions d¡¯int¨¦gration r¨¦gionale)  et internationales (Nations Unies, Fond Mon¨¦taire International, Banque Mondiale) en charge des politiques de d¨¦veloppement et de leur financement.  

Le CERDI collabore avec la Fondation pour l¡¯Etude et la Recherche sur le D¨¦veloppement International (FERDI) et l¡¯Institut du D¨¦veloppement Durable et des Relations Internationales (IDDRI)  dans le cadre du Laboratoire d¡¯Excellence (Labex) IDGM+. Il contribue activement au projet Cap 20-25 ¨¤ travers le Challenge scientifique ? disaster risk reduction ?.

Site internet de l¡¯unit¨¦ :


Publications ( HAL )

Production scientifique depuis 2020

  • Measuring Norms and Enumerator Effects: Survey Method Matter - 2024 - Clermont-Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Donn¨¦es g¨¦ographiques et donn¨¦es g¨¦olocalis¨¦es - 2024 - Clermont-Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - Nationale
  • Does a Passport Get You a Degree? Citizenship Reform and Educational Achievement - 2024 - Online - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Not All Banking Crises Are Alike: Assessing their Distributional Impacts relative to Pre-Crisis Credit Gaps - 2024 - Clermont-Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - Nationale
  • Immigrants? returns intentions and job search behavior when the home country is unsafe - 2024 - Online - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Artisanal mining in Africa. Green for Gold? - 2024 - Clermont-Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Sovereign defaults at home and abroad - 2024 - Clermont-Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • The costs of building walls: immigration and the fiscal burden of aging in Europe - 2024 - Online - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Selective accountability: Visibility and parliamentary behavior in France - 2024 - Clermont-Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - Nationale
  • Permanent Residency Policy and Skilled Immigration: Evidence from a Swedish Reform - 2024 - Online - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Difference-in-Differences for Continuous Treatments and Instruments with Stayers - 2024 - Clermont-Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - Nationale
  • rom phones to feed: Is mobile connectivity transforming west-African agricultural markets? - 2024 - Clermont-Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - Nationale
  • Populist leaders and international migration - 2024 - Online - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Technology Adoption: Learning or Costly Information Processing? - 2024 - Clermont-Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • A fair international tax? The differentiated effects of a maritime transport carbon levy - 2024 - Clermont-Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - Nationale
  • Should I stay or should I go? Therole of housing in understanding limited inter-regional worker mobility - 2024 - Online - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Have Preferences Become More Similar Worldwide? - 2024 - Clermont-Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Polygyny and the Economic Determinants of Family Formation Outcomes in Sub-Saharan Africa - 2024 - Clermont-Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - Nationale
  • The Joint Venture - 2024 - Clermont-Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - Nationale
  • Is urban wastewater treatment effective in India? Evidence from water quality and infant mortality - 2024 - Clermont-Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - Nationale
  • Male Sterilization and Persistence of Violence: Evidence from Emergency in India - 2024 - Clermont-Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - Nationale
  • Fraud Detection Under Limited State Capacity: Experimental Evidence From Senegal - 2024 - Clermont-Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • MiningLeaks: Water Pollution and Child Mortality in Africa - 2024 - Clermont-Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - Nationale
  • The Economic Costs of Conflict: a Production Network Approach - 2024 - Clermont-Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Agricultural shocks and long-term conflict risk: Evidence from desert locust swarms - 2024 - Clermont-Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Incentives Justifying Nonconformity: Experimental Evidence from Motortaxi Organizations in Uganda - 2024 - Clermont-Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • The Institutional Role of the Italian Mafia: Enforcing Contracts When the State Does Not - 2024 - Clermont-Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • The consequences of a trade collapse: Economics and politics in Weimar Germany - 2024 - Clermont-Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Discretion versus Algorithms: Bureaucrats and Tax Equity in Senegal - 2024 - Clermont-Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Science under Inquisition: The Allocation of Talent in Early Modern Europe - 2023 - Clermont-Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - Nationale
  • Effective Tax Rates, Firm Size and the Global Minimum Tax - 2023 - Clermont-Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - Nationale
  • Taxation and Electoral Accountability in sub-Saharan Africa - 2023 - Clermont-Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • How Much Should We Trust Observational Estimates? Accumulating Evidence Using Randomised Controlled Trials with Imperfect Compliance - 2023 - Clermont-Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - Nationale
  • The effects of subsidized transit on the unemployed youth: A regression discontinuity design - 2023 - Clermont-Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - R¨¦gionale
  • When the Weather Turns: Coping With Risk Through International Migration in the Presence of Search Frictions - 2023 - online (zoom) - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Immigration, Parenthood and Child Penalties - 2023 - online (zoom) - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Changing Harmful Norms through Information and Coordination: Experimental Evidence from Somalia - 2023 - Clermont-Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Dear Brothers and Sisters: Pope?s Speeches and the Dynamics of Conflict in Africa - 2023 - Clermont-Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - R¨¦gionale
  • Violence in Mexico, Return Intentions, and the Integration of Mexican Migrants in the US - 2023 - online (zoom) - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Skills, Distortions, and the Labor Market Outcomes of Immigrants Across Space - 2023 - online (zoom) - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Norm Replacement and Information: A Field Experiment on Ending Female Genital Cutting - 2023 - Clermont-Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • (Mis-)information technology: Internet use and perception of democracy in Africa - 2023 - Clermont-Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - Nationale
  • Evaluation d'impact du projet Ch¨¨que-sant¨¦ au Cameroun - 2023 - Clermont-Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Banking Sectors Vulnerability to Macroeconomic Shocks Assessment: A Comparative Analysis for Selected Developing Countries - 2023 - Clermont-Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - R¨¦gionale
  • Bad Samaritans in Development Aid: Evidence from Natural Resource Discoveries - 2023 - Clermont-Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - R¨¦gionale
  • Housing Costs and Real Income Differences across Chinese Cities - 2023 - Clermont-Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - R¨¦gionale
  • The impact of patent expiry on statin consumption: A synthetic control analysis - 2023 - Clermont-Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Connecting the Unconnected: Facebook Access and Female Political Representation in Sub-Saharan Africa - 2023 - Clermont-Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - R¨¦gionale
  • Junior workshop sur l'¨¦conomie des migrations - 2023 - Campus Condorcet, Aubervilliers - Journ¨¦es d 'Etudes - Internationale
  • Country, Culture or Competition - What Drives Attitudes Towards Immigrants in Sub-Saharan Africa? - 2023 - online (zoom) - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Inequality of opportunity and intergenerational persistence in Latin America - 2023 - Clermont-Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • The Local Reaction to Unauthorized Mexican Migration to the US - 2023 - online (zoom) - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Investment and Reputation within the household - 2023 - Clermont-Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - Nationale
  • Social Security Reforms, Retirement and Sectoral Decisions - 2023 - Clermont-Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Does Foreign Aid Reduce Migration? Micro-Evidence from World Bank Projects - 2023 - online (zoom) - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Climate change and migration: the case of Africa - 2023 - online (zoom) - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Changes in International Immigration and Internal Native Mobility after Covid-19 in the US - 2023 - online (zoom) - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • From connections to persistence: Evidence from Political Purges in post-World War II France - 2023 - Clermont-Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Family-based migration - 2023 - Clermont-Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Information frictions, belief updating and internal migration: Evidence from Ghana and Uganda - 2023 - online (zoom) - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Bipolarisation measurement: A two-income approach - 2023 - Clermont-Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - R¨¦gionale
  • Building reputation: proxy wars and transnational identities - 2023 - Clermont-Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Internal Migration and Education: The Role of Old-age Support - 2023 - online (zoom) - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Courts, Firms and Informality - 2023 - Clermont-Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Democracy under Assault: Electoral Reform and Political Violence - 2023 - online (zoom) - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Development economics, international trade, and the political economy of conflicts and migration - 2023 - Clermont-Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • The Most Important Event? The Long-Run Impact of the Dissolution of the French Monasteries - 2023 - Clermont-Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Education during conflict: the effect of territorial occupation by insurgents on schooling - 2023 - Clermont-Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Sanitary napkin distribution and girls? school participation - Evidence from a public program in India - 2023 - Clermont-Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • The end of slavery in Brazil: Escape and resistance on the road to freedom - 2023 - online (zoom) - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Shifting Marriage Timing for Women: Destructive Events and Forced Displacement - 2023 - online (zoom) - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Confucian Literati and Long-run Development in Northern Vietnam - 2023 - online (zoom) - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Brother votes for brother: The effects of Pentecostal political influence in Brazil - 2023 - Clermont-Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Double-Booked: Effects of Overlap between School and Farming Calendars on Education and Child Labor - 2023 - online (zoom) - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Has Chinese Aid Benefited Recipient Countries? Evidence from a Meta-Regression Analysis - 2022 - Clermont-Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - R¨¦gionale
  • Height, parental investments and marriage payments in sub-Saharan Africa - 2022 - Clermont-Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - R¨¦gionale
  • The Economic Costs of Conflict: a Production Network Approach - 2022 - Clermont-Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - R¨¦gionale
  • Inequality and security in the aftermath of internal population displacement shocks: Evidence from Nigeria - 2022 - Zoom - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Wealth inequality and social mobility in industrializing England - 2022 - Clermont-Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - R¨¦gionale
  • Migration and Trust: Evidence from Internal Migrants in Switzerland - 2022 - Zoom - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Cooperation between National Armies: Evidence from the border regions in the Sahel - 2022 - Clermont-Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - R¨¦gionale
  • Douanes et ?tat dans les Pays ¨¤ Faible Gouvernance - Principales Le?ons - 2022 - Clermont-Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - R¨¦gionale
  • Shifting Marriage Timing for Women: Destructive Events and Forced Displacement - 2022 - Zoom - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Polygyny and Farm Households' Resilience to Climate Shocks - 2022 - Zoom - S¨¦minaire - R¨¦gionale
  • Learning from the Origins: Immigrants? Networks, Political Attitudes, and the European Refugee Crisis - 2022 - Zoom - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Starting off on the right foot ? Integrative schooling and the educational success of immigrant children - 2022 - Zoom - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Urbanization and Crime: Evidence from South Africa - 2022 - Clermont-Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - R¨¦gionale
  • The Effect of Foreign Media on International Migration: the Case of Italian TV in Albania - 2022 - Zoom - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • What does evidence do? Development, policy impact, and the uncertain power of evidence - 2022 - Clermont-Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - R¨¦gionale
  • Building the City Under Financial Frictions - 2022 - Clermont-Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - R¨¦gionale
  • Circular Economy in Europe: Trends and Implementation - 2022 - Zoom - S¨¦minaire - R¨¦gionale
  • Location Choice, Marriage and Immigrant-Native Wage Gap - 2022 - Zoom - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • The effect of urban migration on educational attainment: evidence from Africa - 2022 - Zoom - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • The Labor Market Effects of an Unexpected Amnesty for Undocumented Workers - 2022 - Online - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Analyse Relationnelle Math¨¦matique et ses applications en d¨¦cision multicrit¨¨re et en classification automatique - 2022 - Clermont Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - R¨¦gionale
  • Information and Normative Economics on Attitudes Towards the Top one Percent - 2022 - Clermont Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - R¨¦gionale
  • Governance for Circular Business models and Circular Products - 2022 - Zoom - S¨¦minaire - Europ¨¦enne
  • Culture, Institutions, and the Roots of Gender Inequality: 450 Years of Portuguese Colonialism in India - 2022 - Clermont Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - R¨¦gionale
  • Technological Change and Immigration - A Race for Talent or of Displaced Workers - 2022 - Zoom - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Women's Position in Ancestral Societies and Female HIV:The Long-Term Effect of Matrilineality in Sub-Saharan Africa - 2022 - Clermont Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - R¨¦gionale
  • Cash transfers, climatic shocks and resilience in the Sahel - 2022 - Clermont Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - R¨¦gionale
  • Climatic shocks, air quality, and health at birth in Bogot¨¢ - 2022 - Clermont Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - R¨¦gionale
  • Can a minimum tax rate be Pareto improving? - 2022 - Clermont Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - R¨¦gionale
  • Unpacking the Political Impact of Low-skilled Immigration - 2022 - Zoom - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • The Negative Impacts of Colonization on the Local Population: Evidence from Morocco - 2022 - Clermont-Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - R¨¦gionale
  • Migrants? crisis in the local news: evidence from the French-Italian border - 2022 - Zoom - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Labor Market Integration, Local Conditions and Inequalities Evidence from Refugees in Switzerland - 2022 - Zoom - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Migrants, networks and regional trade: Evidence from European regions - 2022 - Zoom - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Structural Transformation and Industrial Policy (STIP) in Ethiopia - 2022 - Clermont-Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - R¨¦gionale
  • Mobile Internet Access and the Desire to Emigrate - 2022 - Zoom - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Circular economy in the global value chains. Do European Union policies boost its implementation? - 2022 - Zoom - S¨¦minaire - Europ¨¦enne
  • How residence permits affect the labor market attachment of foreign workers: Evidence from a migration lottery in Liechtenstein - 2021 - Zoom - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Tradition Matters: Experimental Evidence from a Cash Grant, Training, and Gender Dialogue Program - 2021 - Clermont Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - Nationale
  • Circular Economy, an Important Way for Sustainable Development - 2021 - Zoom - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • The Political Consequences of Mass Repatriation - 2021 - Online - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Has internet helped firms cope with COVID? International evidence from the COVID-19 Impact Follow-up Surveys - 2021 - Clermont Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - Nationale
  • The economic effects of the English Parliamentary enclosures - 2021 - Clermont Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Border Apprehensions, the Latino Threat and Federal Sentencing of Hispanic Citizens in the United States - 2021 - Zoom - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • The Impact of Return Migration on the School?Work Tradeoff and Labor Outcomes of Adolescents - 2021 - Online - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Media Coverage of Immigration, and the Polarization of Attitudes - 2021 - Online - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Academics at Risk: Professional Networks and High-Skilled Emigration from Nazi Germany - 2021 - Online - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Media Coverage of Immigration and the Polarization of Attitudes - 2021 - Clermont Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - Nationale
  • Immigration and Occupational Downgrading in Colombia - 2021 - Online - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Nepotism vs. Intergenerational Transmission of Human Capital in Academia (1088?1800) - 2021 - Clermont Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Les effets du Green Deal sur les pays non europ¨¦ens, et notamment la Turquie. - 2021 - Zoom - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Celestial Enlightenment: Eclipses, curiosity and economic development among pre-modern ethnic groups - 2021 - Clermont Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - R¨¦gionale
  • Immigration, Labor Markets and Discrimination: Evidence from the Venezuelan Exodus in Per¨² - 2021 - Online - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Industrial and Urban Symbiosis - 2021 - Zoom - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • When distance drives destination, towns can stimulate development - 2021 - Online - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Aie ! j'ai des donn¨¦es manquantes... Ouf ! des solutions existent... - 2021 - Clermont Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - Nationale
  • Temporary visas against smuggling - 2021 - Online - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • EU Enlargement and (Temporary) Migration: Effects on Labour Market Outcomes in Germany - 2021 - Online - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Reducing Mistreatment of Migrant Domestic Workers - 2021 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Aid and Internal Migration in Malawi - 2021 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Labor Market Nationalization Policies and Exporting Firm Outcomes: Evidence from Saudi Arabia - 2021 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Do Enfranchised Immigrants Affect Political Behaviour? - 2021 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Mobility and Circular Economy - 2021 - Zoom - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Climate Variability and worldwide migration. Current evidence and future projections - 2021 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Immigrant Supply of Marketable Child Care and Native Fertility in Italy - 2021 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Immigrant franchise and immigration policy: Evidence from the Progressive Era - 2021 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • How has COVID-19 affected the intention to migrate via the backway to Europe and to a neighboring African country? Survey evidence and a salience expe - 2021 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • The Usual Suspects. Offenders' Orign, Media Reporting and Natives' Attitudes Towards Immigration - 2021 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Global food prices, local weather and migration in Sub-Saharan Africa - 2021 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Towards a Truly Sustainable Region ? The Wellbeing of the Future Generations Act in Wales - 2021 - Zoom - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • The Seeds of Ideology: Historical Immigration and Political Preferences in the United States - 2021 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • European Integration and the Trade-off between Offshoring and Immigration - 2021 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Marginal Returns to Citizenship and Children?s School Performance: Who benefits and what works? - 2021 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Perception de la Covid et comportement des m¨¦nages au Burkina Faso et en Argentine. Une analyse sur donn¨¦es d?enqu¨ºtePerception de la Covid et comport - 2021 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Nationale
  • Leaping into the unknown? The role of job search in migration decisions - 2021 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Forced Displacement, Human Capital and Occupational Choice - 2021 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Cousins From Overseas: The Labour Market Impact of Half a Million Portuguese Repatriates - 2021 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • The Refugee Crisis and Right-Wing Populism: Evidence from the Italian Dispersal Policy - 2021 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Material flows and climate change: time for a redesign of the statistical system? - 2021 - Zoom - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Mobility Under the COVID-19 Pandemic: Asymmetric Effects Across Gender and Age - 2021 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Mapping drought hazard in West Africa - 2021 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Nationale
  • When a Stranger Shall Sojourn with Thee?: The Impact of the Venezuelan Exodus on Colombian Labor Markets - 2021 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • The Economic Geography of Global Warming - 2021 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Assessing the Role of Asylum Policies in Refugees? Labor Market Integration: The Case of Protection Statuses in the German Asylum System - 2021 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Firms Left Behind: Emigration and Firm Productivity - 2021 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Environmental News Sentiment and Air Pollution in China - 2021 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Nationale
  • Man Overboard! Industrial Fishing as Driver of Out-Migration in Africa - 2021 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Migration with Costly Information - 2021 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Rethinking Sustainability in the circular economy: challenging socioeconomic models in the Industry 4.0 - 2021 - Zoom - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Purchasing-Power-Parity and the Saving Behavior of Temporary Migrants - 2021 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Method for Model selection for Multifractal processes and some applications - 2021 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Nationale
  • The Political Economy of Open Borders: Theory and Evidence on the role of Electoral Rules - 2021 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Long term migration trends and climate change: The role of irrigation - 2021 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • International Migration Unions - 2021 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • New York, Abu Dhabi, London or Stay Home? Identifying Complex Substitution Patterns in Migration with a Cross-Nested Logit Model - 2021 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Marriage, Migration Policy, and Migration: Evidence from the Hukou Reform in China - 2021 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Fertility Implications of Family-Based Regularizations - 2021 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • The Cushioning Effect of Immigrant Mobility: Evidence from the Great Recession in Spain - 2021 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Enemies of the people - 2021 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Integrated Systems Modeling for Inclusive, Safe and Healthy Cities - 2021 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Nationale
  • Geographic sorting and aversion to breaking rules - 2021 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Macroeconomic consequences of international migration - 2021 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Nationale
  • Cash Transfers and Migration: Theory and Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial - 2021 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • An Adaptive Targeted Field Experiment: Job Search Assistance for Refugees in Jordan - 2021 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Can immigration affect neighborhood effects? Accounting for the indirect effects of immigrants on native test scores - 2021 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Immigration and redistribution - 2020 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Inter-Ministerial Tax Competition: The case of Resource-Rich Developing Countries - 2020 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Nationale
  • A database of the economic impacts of historical volcanic eruptions - 2020 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Nationale
  • The Role of Firms in the Assimilation of Immigrants - 2020 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Immigration, Working Conditions, and Compensating Differentials - 2020 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Immigrant Integration in the United States: The Role of Adult English Language Training - 2020 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Temporary Migration and Entrepreneurship in Bangladesh - 2020 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Changing living arrangements and the effects of migration on the individuals left behind in Mexico - 2020 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Migration with Costly Information - 2020 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Growing up in a Recession Increases Compassion? The Case of Attitudes towards Immigration - 2020 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Hosting Refugee and Voting for the Far-Right: Evidence from France - 2020 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Immigration and Spatial Equilibrium: The Role of Expenditures in the Country of Origin - 2020 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • The Cultural Assimilation of Individualism and Preferences for Redistribution - 2020 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Testing Classic Theories of Migration in the Lab - 2020 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Is naturalization a passport for better labor market integration? Evidence from a quasi-experimental setting - 2020 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Migration from Developing Countries: Selection, Income Elasticity, and Simpson's Paradox - 2020 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • The Impact of Immigration on Workers Protection - 2020 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Migration and cultural change - 2020 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Do Skilled Migrants Compete with Native Workers? Analysis of a Selective Immigration Policy - 2020 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Understanding the Success of the Know Nothing Party - 2020 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • The Role of Immigration in a Deep Recession - 2020 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Is migration drought-induced in Mali? An empirical analysis using panel data on Malian localities over the 1987-2009 period - 2020 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Migration and Fertility Change: Evidence from a Resettlement Program in Indonesia - 2020 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Those Who Stayed: Selection and Cultural Change in the Age of Mass Migration - 2020 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Give me Your Tired and Your Poor: Impact of a Large-Scale Amnesty Program for Undocumented Refugee - 2020 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • International student migration and local housing markets - 2020 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Migration, Housing Constraints, and Inequality: A Quantitative Analysis of China - 2020 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Labor Mobility and Geography of Pandemics - 2020 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Peer Effects, Parental Migration and Children?s Human Capital: A Spatial Equilibrium Analysis in China - 2020 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Immigration, Science, and Invention. Evidence from the Quota Acts - 2020 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Labor Market Competition and the Assimilation of Immigrant - 2020 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Media Persuasion through Slanted Language: Evidence from the Coverage of Immigration - 2020 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Information and the Acquisition of Social Network Connections: A Randomized Experiment among New U.S. Immigrants - 2020 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Migrant self-selection in the presence of random shocks. Evidence from the Panic of 1907 - 2020 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Is Immigration Enforcement Shaping Immigrant Marriage Patterns? - 2020 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Integrating Refugees: Language Training or Work-First Incentives? - 2020 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Refugees and Foreign Direct Investment: Quasi-Experimental Evidence from U.S. Resettlements - 2020 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • A `Good Deal?? U.S. Military Aid and Refugee Flows to the United States - 2020 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Returns to Low-Skilled International Migration: Evidence from the Bangladesh-Malaysia Migration Lottery Program - 2020 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Testing the Diffusion Hypothesis of Mass Migration, Italy 1876-1920 - 2020 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Immigrating into a Recession - 2020 - Zoom webinars - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • La comp¨¦titivit¨¦ en Afrique: Quelle est le r?le des ressources naturelles ? - 2020 - Clermont-Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • The unintended consequences of the Malawi FarmInput Subsidy Programme: Women?s entrepreneurship and financial inclusion - 2020 - Clermont-Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Institutions, Informalit¨¦ et Conflits au Sahel - 2020 - Clermont-Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - Internationale
  • Does the Selective Erasure of Protected Areas Raise Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon? - 2020 - Clermont Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - Nationale
  • The Causal Effect of Infrastructure Investments on Income Inequality: Evidence from US States - 2020 - Clermont Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - Nationale
  • Pr¨¦f¨¦rence des agriculteurs pour un contrat ¨¤ paiement d¨¦gressif : un choice experiment - 2020 - Clermont Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - R¨¦gionale
  • Civil conflict and firm recovery: Evidence from post-electoral crisis in C?te d?Ivoire - 2020 - Clermont Ferrand - S¨¦minaire - Nationale

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