Variabilit¨¦ des Comportements Actif et S¨¦dentaire en fonction de la Corpulence
R¨¦f¨¦rence :
Rousset S, Guidoux R, Paris L, Farigon N, Boirie Y, Lacomme P, Phan R, Ren L, Saboul D & Duclos M. (2018). eMouveRecherche: the first scientific application to promote light-intensity activity for the prevention of chronic diseases. Biology, Engineering and Medicine 3, (1), 1-6, doi: 10.15761/BEM.1000133.
Paris L, Guidoux R, Saboul D, Duclos M, Boirie Y, Rousset S. (2019). Comparison of Active and Sedentary Bout Lengths in Normal and Overweight Adults using eMouveRecherche. International Journal of Sports and Exercice Medicine 5, (11), 151-160, doi: 10.23937/2469-5718/1510151.
Paris L, Guidoux R, Saboul D, Duclos M, Boirie Y, Rousset S. (2019). Comparison of Active and Sedentary Bout Lengths in Normal and Overweight Adults using eMouveRecherche. International Journal of Sports and Exercice Medicine 5, (11), 151-160, doi: 10.23937/2469-5718/1510151.