EURAXESS Auvergne Services Centre (CSEA)

The EURAXESS Auvergne Services Centre (CSEA) helps foreign researchers posted in Auvergne, as well as the departments hosting them, to carry out the necessary formalities in connection with their arrival and stay in France.

The CSEA is the regional branch of the EURAXESS network set up by the European Commission to promote researcher mobility within the European Research Area.

This service forms part of the Department of International Relations and Francophony of the University of Clermont Auvergne and serves as the primary point of contact for administrative formalities in connection with the hosting of foreign researchers.

Operational since January 2009, the CSEA has supported nearly a hundred researchers from over 20 countries at 12 institutions on the site.

Who can contact the Euraxess Auvergne Service Centre?

The CSEA serves as the primary contact for doctoral students, postdoctoral researchers, and foreign researchers and faculty members on mobility in Auvergne. It also assists host researchers in anticipating and preparing for the arrival of their foreign colleagues within the laboratories.

The Centre is particularly aimed at research units affiliated with the University of Clermont-Auvergne and its partners.

You will find practical information on the following website:

Are you a foreign researcher?

The CSEA offers you and your family personalized welcome and support.

It can also assist you in advance to help prepare for your stay. Do not hesitate to contact the CEA directly, which will guide you through the necessary preparations.

Are you hosting a foreign researcher?
The CSEA responds to inquiries and guides you in the steps to take before your foreign colleagues arrive. Please feel free to contact us before the arrival of the invited researcher.

What are the services offered?

International researchers can benefit from support provided by the CEA in the following areas (non-exhaustive list):

  • Entry and residency formalities on national territory: information on hosting agreements, visa application procedures, and residence permits.
  • Housing search: personalized housing options (apartment, hotel residence, studio in university residence, etc.) and provision of a contact list.
  • Insurance procedures: information related to social security, health insurance, coverage for "work-related accidents," and home insurance.
  • Practical life: information on schooling and childcare, French language courses in Clermont-Ferrand, and opening a bank account in France.

Guest Researcher Hosting Agreement

Non-European teaching and research staff hosted by the University of Clermont Auvergne must sign a hosting agreement in order to obtain a scientific visa. 

This agreement must be signed by an official representative of the University. Please use the official document (Cerfa n¡ã16079*03) obtainable from the EURAXESS Auvergne Services Centre.

Who to contact

Marine KNOLL
Tel: 04 73 40 63 29
E-mail :

Maison Internationale Universitaire
located at 9 Rue Kessler 63000 Clermont-Ferrand

We welcome the public by appointment only!
To make an appointment, register on ALFRED and click below :
I make an appointment

Practical informations

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Indicative monthly budget

Welcome guide

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