Nature Unknown label
Credit hour 3
Total number of hours 30
Number of hours for lectures 15
Number of hours for tutorials 15


Pas de pr¨¦-requis




Cours magistraux
1- What is a variable?
2- What is a variance?
3- What is chance (for a statistician)?
4- What is a data distribution?
5- What is an (experimental) factor?
6- What is a variance model?
7- What is an experimental design?
8- What is decision making (for a statistician)?
9- What is a decision risk?
10- What is a false positive and a false negative?
11- How to control the power of a statistical test?
Travaux Dirig¨¦s
1- What is measured in Biology? Why do repetitions? Determinism versus stochastics in Biology. Knowing without knowing everything.
2- Or how and why to quantify how much an average varies over a set of repetitions.
3- Distinguishing what is due to chance from what is unknown. Difference between artifact and measurement error.
4- Why look at this? Example of the 6-sided dice and "hands-on" demonstration of the central limit theorem. To bring back to a Normal distribution.
5- Difference between what we measure and what we study. The case of co-variables.
6- Or why look for an abstract representation of what we study empirically.
7- "What is well conceived is clearly stated... ?
8- Certainty and completeness, limits or fantasies? How can we never be wrong in statistics (or why do we always get it wrong... but by how much?).
9- The risk of the first kind. But what if we are wrong in the first degree?
10- Why and which category to try to control.
11- Repetitions, multiple tests; limits and necessities.

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