Nature Unknown label
Credit hour 3
Total number of hours 15
Number of hours for lectures 0
Number of hours for tutorials 15
Number of hours for laboratory work 0


Pas de pr¨¦-requis




1) How to present your knowledge and skills through the elaboration of a CV and a cover letter (3h TD)
2) How to prepare an Oral presentation of a research question to a varied audience (3 hours TD)
3) Project management approaches and tools: essential tools, specifications and planning, software, conducting meetings (12h TD)
This knowledge will be put into practice by the students through the organization of a scientific colloquium. Distribution of tasks by groups of 5-6 students, 30 hours of personal work and 1 day of colloquium. During this scientific colloquium, an external researcher will be invited by the students. The students will have to organize sessions after selecting oral presentations related to the theme. A poster session will be organized in which all students will have to present their research work carried out during their M1 internship in the form of a poster. The colloquium will be organized during the first week of semester 3 (beginning of M2) and will correspond to an integration day for future students entering M1.

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