Nature Unknown label
Credit hour 3
Total number of hours 30
Number of hours for lectures 25
Number of hours for tutorials 5


Pas de pr¨¦-requis




Integrate the main challenges relating to innovation in crop sectors in connection with the regulatory, economic, socio-environmental context of French and international crop production.
- Contribute to the build up of the students' professional project

Knowledge of and challenges of crop sectors and regulatory context of crop production
- Crop sectors : the actors and the regulatory framework
- "Agricultural inputs" sectors and the regulatory framework
- Seed and crop sectors and the regulatory framework
- Common Agricultural Policy and consequences on crop production
Place of the company in the sector and place of crop innovation
Knowledge of agricultural companies or professional organizations and enterprise management
Place of innovation in the company: quality, patentability, certification, marketing, commercialization

The module will be organized around a week of professional conferences on the regulatory framework of sectors and companies in crop production and a week of study trip in a French region with different actors within different crop sectors.

Additional Information