The I-SITE CAP 20-25 project is evidence of the transformation dynamic of the Clermont Auvergne academic site, aiming to promote a research university with high international visibility and closely connected to the socio-economic world. To extend this momentum, the project partners have the ambition to strengthen training in research and through research within the perimeter distinguished by the I-SITE label.

The CAP GS project, led by the University of Clermont Auvergne and selected in 2020 as part of the call for projects "Structuring training through research in initiatives of excellence (SFRI)" of the PIA 3 (Investments for the Future Program), enabled the creation of seven graduate tracks by bringing together Master's degrees and doctorates in a Graduate School dedicated to the general theme of CAP 20-25: "to design sustainable living and production models". The tracks target societal issues such as international development and sustainable production, quality of life for human populations, environmental preservation and adaptation to natural disasters:

International development graduate track (IDGT)

Graduate track for intelligent and innovative mobility (MII)

Graduate track for volcano in the Earth system research (Involc)

Graduate track changing environments

Graduate track of nutrition health and mobility (NHMGT)

Graduate track for mathematics and physics (MPGT)

Graduate track for humanities and social sciences (H2S GT)

  • Master Humanit¨¦s

These degree programs, based on demanding student selection criteria, will promote new synergies between research and training in the scientific fields highlighted by the PIA initiatives. These fields include the scientific challenges of the CAP 20-25 project and the associated Laboratories of Excellence (LabEx).

CAP GS offers training programs based on a strengthened link between the Master¡¯s and Doctorate levels, research at a high level of excellence, the admission of French and foreign students with high academic standing and a privileged involvement of researchers and the socio-economic world to ensure a high level of professional integration of the graduates.

The main levers used to transform the training programs include:

  1. The enrichment of the Master¡¯s and Doctorate training offer in order to generate skills that will lead to a variety of job opportunities;
  2. The establishment of joint teaching and research teams bringing together academics and research engineers from research organizations and reinforcing the involvement of industrial partners in training;
  3. A set of means and measures (grants and support for mobility, summer schools and internships in laboratories and with partners, educational and scientific interventions, etc.) which emphasize the international attractiveness of the courses.