Publi¨¦ le 13 mars 2024 Mis ¨¤ jour le 14 mars 2024

Professeur invit¨¦ par la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme de Clermont-Ferrand, Lowell Duckert (University of Delaware - USA) proposera une conf¨¦rence intitul¨¦e : ? Cold Doings: Early Modern Actions for Our Warmer World ?, le mercredi 20 mars ¨¤ 17h00, ¨¤ la MSH, amphi 219. Cette conf¨¦rence sera donn¨¦e en anglais.

Sp¨¦cialiste d'¨¦cocritique et du th¨¦?tre anglais de la premi¨¨re modernit¨¦, Lowell Duckert est ma?tre de conf¨¦rences ¨¤ l'Universit¨¦ du Delaware (USA). [En savoir plus...].

En r¨¦sum¨¦
My presentation asks a simple question: what is cold? Natural philosophers, explorers, and artists of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries offered a variety of responses. Cold was a material substance comprised of ¡°frigorifick atoms¡±; it was the elemental force behind freezing, or, ¡°conglutination¡±; it pierced bodies and plugged up its pores; it was a shapeshifter that appeared as icebergs, snowflakes, and sheets; it lived in the ¡°frozen zone¡± of the upper globe, but it also rode the north wind and spread out across glaciers; it took, prolonged, and gave life; and it was intensely pleasurable. Cold Doings: Early Modern Actions for Our Warmer World is an experimental book project that uncovers cold¡¯s dynamism at different degrees of intensity, traces its assortment of agential forms, and visits its energetic, far-north places. To be clear, reading centuries-old texts will not save our vanishing ice and snow. But at a time in which popular climate studies obsess over ¡°ends¡± (and ¡°the end¡±) of a planet headed for meltdown, or a world ¡°after¡± or ¡°without¡± ice, I argue that the doings of early modern cold assist us in counter-apocalyptic thinking. Poems, plays, treatises, and travel accounts of the period crucially reframe how we view the cold of the past as well as the present, lending us a creative vocabulary to reimagine Arctic relations right now.
Lowell Duckert